Brugges architecture ()
Brugges architecture
Usage Scenarios
Third party System
Harvest data from SWR
Download data in interoperable form
Upload data for transformation
Search for data & knowledge
SWR Catalogue
Data Preview & Publication APIs
OGC API Catalogue
OGC API Features
Logging, versioning
Publication to GIT
Transf. to Triple Store
Persistent Identifier Mint
Transformation and Harmonisation
Metadata transformation
Data restructuring
Codelist mapping
Format transformation
CRS transformation
Units of measurements conversion
PTF transformation
Map Server
Record extent preview
Automatic metadata interlinking
Duplicates identification
Metadata cleaning
Link liveliness assessment
Metadata validation
Metadata ETS checking
Metadata structure validation
Metadata completeness check
Large Language Model
Metadata augmentation
Metadata translation
Keywords resolving
Data & Knowledge providers
Scholar repositories
National Geoportals
Regional Geoportals
EC-governed systems
INSPIRE Geoportal
Copernicus Open Access Hub
R&I projects
SWR Storage
Triple Store
Usage statistics
Map preview
Data export, download
Query catalogue
Metadata authoring
System Health & Status Monitoring
SWR User
User and Organisational Management
Identity Provider (Authentication)
DAPS (Participant and Component identification)
CA (Authentication base infrastructure)
IDS compliant Connectors (or inbuilt authentication mechanisms)
Usage Scenarios Third party System
Usage Scenarios Harvest data from SWR
Usage Scenarios Upload data for transformation
Usage Scenarios Search for data & knowledge
Third party System Harvest data from SWR
Harvest data from SWR Data Preview & Publication APIs
Harvest data from SWR SPARQL
Download data in interoperable form Data export, download
Upload data for transformation Metadata authoring
Search for data & knowledge Query catalogue
Search for data & knowledge Map preview
Search for data & knowledge Chatbot
SWR Catalogue SPARQL
SWR Catalogue Large Language Model
SWR Catalogue Metadata validation
SWR Catalogue Interlinker
SWR Catalogue Map Server
SWR Catalogue pycsw
SWR Catalogue Transformation and Harmonisation
SWR Catalogue Harvester
SWR Catalogue Data Preview & Publication APIs
SWR Catalogue Metadata augmentation
Data Preview & Publication APIs WMS
Data Preview & Publication APIs WFS
Data Preview & Publication APIs WCS
Data Preview & Publication APIs OGC API Features
Data Preview & Publication APIs CSW
Data Preview & Publication APIs OGC API Catalogue
Harvester Transf. to Triple Store
Harvester Publication to GIT
Harvester Logging, versioning
Harvester Data & Knowledge providers
Harvester Triple Store
Harvester Persistent Identifier Mint
Harvester GIT
Transformation and Harmonisation CRS transformation
Transformation and Harmonisation Format transformation
Transformation and Harmonisation Codelist mapping
Transformation and Harmonisation Data restructuring
Transformation and Harmonisation Metadata transformation
Transformation and Harmonisation Data export, download
Transformation and Harmonisation Metadata authoring
Transformation and Harmonisation Units of measurements conversion
Transformation and Harmonisation PTF transformation
pycsw Query catalogue
pycsw OGC API Catalogue
pycsw CSW
Map Server Record extent preview
Map Server Data export, download
Map Server OGC API Features
Map Server WCS
Map Server WFS
Map Server WMS
Interlinker Metadata cleaning
Interlinker Duplicates identification
Interlinker Automatic metadata interlinking
Interlinker Triple Store
Interlinker Link liveliness assessment
Metadata validation Metadata structure validation
Metadata validation Metadata ETS checking
Metadata validation PostgreSQL
Metadata validation Metadata completeness check
Large Language Model SPARQL
Large Language Model Chatbot
Metadata augmentation Triple Store
Metadata augmentation Metadata translation
Metadata augmentation Keywords resolving
Data & Knowledge providers CORDIS
Data & Knowledge providers ESDAC
Data & Knowledge providers EUSO
Data & Knowledge providers INSPIRE Geoportal
Data & Knowledge providers LUCAS
Data & Knowledge providers Copernicus Open Access Hub
Data & Knowledge providers EC-governed systems
Data & Knowledge providers R&I projects
Data & Knowledge providers Others
Data & Knowledge providers Scholar repositories
Scholar repositories OpenAire
Scholar repositories Zenodo
Others BonaRes
Others National Geoportals
Others Regional Geoportals
SWR Storage GIT
SWR Storage PostgreSQL
SWR Storage Triple Store
GIT PostgreSQL
GIT Map Server
PostgreSQL Metadata validation
PostgreSQL pycsw
Triple Store SPARQL
Triple Store Interlinker
Triple Store Metadata augmentation
Usage statistics SWR Catalogue
UI Map preview
UI Chatbot
UI Data export, download
UI Query catalogue
UI Metadata authoring
System Health & Status Monitoring SWR Catalogue
SWR User Search for data & knowledge
SWR User Upload data for transformation
SWR User Download data in interoperable form
User and Organisational Management SWR Catalogue
Identity Provider (Authentication) SWR Catalogue
DAPS (Participant and Component identification) SWR Catalogue
CA (Authentication base infrastructure) SWR Catalogue
IDS compliant Connectors (or inbuilt authentication mechanisms) SWR Catalogue